Top issues and legislation that NJSME is tracking for key contacts and infrastructure advocates to take action on:

Matt Halpin • Public Strategies Impact, L.L.C.
Generated by • Date: 11/13/2023 03:55p • © 2023 Government News Network


NJ Society of Municipal Engineers (2022-2023)

Bill: A101
Sponsors: Space (R24); Wirths (R24) +1
Summary: Allows for exclusion of certain properties from Highlands preservation area.
Related: 2020:A121; 2018:A139; 2016:A103; 2014:A131; 2014:S1735; 2012:A869; 2012:S1363; 2010:A173; 2010:S1007; 2008:A1658; 2008:S1682; 2006:A3074
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A130
Sponsors: Space (R24); McKeon (D27); Wirths (R24)
Summary: Directs DEP to develop model ordinance for municipalities to regulate deposit and storage of soil and fill materials.
Related: 2020:A153; 2018:A5519; 2018:S3794
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A133
Sponsors: Wirths (R24); Space (R24)
Summary: Prohibits State departments and agencies from considering or requiring compliance by Highlands planning area municipalities with Highlands regional master plan in certain circumstances.
Related: 2020:A155; 2018:A220; 2018:S525; 2016:A1381; 2016:S473; 2014:A102; 2014:S349; 2012:A839; 2012:S226; 2010:A144; 2010:S338; 2008:A1689; 2008:S1873; 2006:A4419; 2006:S2856
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A134
Sponsors: Wirths (R24); Space (R24)
Summary: Sunsets “Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act” five years after date of enactment unless certain conditions are met.
Related: 2022:S1683; 2020:A156; 2020:S425; 2018:A221; 2018:S529; 2016:A1382; 2016:S479; 2014:A105; 2014:S355; 2012:A843; 2012:S912; 2010:A150; 2010:S1005; 2008:A2691; 2008:S1683
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A137
Sponsors: Wirths (R24); Space (R24)
Summary: Repeals “Statewide Non-Residential Development Fee Act.”
Related: 2020:A159; 2018:A224; 2016:A1386; 2016:S919; 2014:A127; 2014:S934; 2012:A4103; 2012:S2697
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Commerce and Economic Development.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A155
Sponsors: Wirths (R24)
Summary: Requires public utilities and cable television companies to accommodate and relocate facilities when necessary for transportation infrastructure projects at direction of DOT.
Related: 2020:A182; 2018:A4779; 2016:A1905; 2014:A1709; 2012:A3110; 2012:S2217
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A159
Sponsors: Wirths (R24); Space (R24); Tucker (D28)
Summary: Permits business entities and nonprofit organizations to adopt certain responsibilities related to stormwater management basins; provides corporation business tax credit for adoption of stormwater management basins in certain watersheds.
Related: 2020:A187; 2018:A5790
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A177
Sponsors: Carter (D22); Verrelli (D15)
Summary: Establishes registry of out-of-state contractors who are awarded public works contracts in this State.
Related: 2022:S477; 2020:A5004; 2020:S3154
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Commerce and Economic Development.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A183
Sponsors: Carter (D22); Stanley (D18); Chaparro (D33) +2
Summary: Modifies lists of projects eligible to receive loans for environmental infrastructure projects from NJ Infrastructure Bank for FY2022.
Related: 2020:A5974; 2020:S4078
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A185
Sponsors: Rooney (R40)
Summary: Permits board of chosen freeholders to establish “Sharing Resources” grant and loan program to encourage shared services and municipal consolidation.
Related: 2020:A1495; 2018:A979; 2016:A234; 2014:A1142; 2012:A2287; 2010:A127; 2008:A3019
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A205
Sponsors: Rooney (R40); Karabinchak (D18); Conaway (D7) +1
Summary: Requires DOT to provide additional information in annual report on pavement condition and conduct pavement lifecycle cost analysis; make report available to public.
Related: 2022:S2491; 2020:A1524; 2018:A5328
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A220
Sponsors: Munoz (R21); Wirths (R24); Bergen (R25) +9
Summary: Prohibits payment to public employees at retirement for certain unused sick leave, provides for forfeiture of payment for unused sick leave for certain criminal convictions, and requires documentation for use of sick leave.
Related: 2022:S637; 2020:A1756; 2020:S2073; 2018:A844; 2018:S681; 2016:A653; 2016:S3146; 2014:A158; 2012:A2495
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A266
Sponsors: Umba (R8) +2
Summary: Requires all elected or appointed local government officers to receive ethics training.
Related: 2020:A654; 2018:A178; 2018:S1301; 2016:A569; 2016:S84; 2014:A172; 2014:S3188; 2012:A120; 2010:A544; 2010:S1848; 2008:A412; 2008:S261; 2006:A4131; 2006:S587; 2004:A4047; 2004:S2448
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A428 Aca (1R)
Sponsors: Thomson (R30)
Summary: Allows planning and zoning board members to satisfy training requirements on Internet.
Related: 2022:S2957; 2020:A387; 2018:A1164; 2016:A2725; 2014:A1529; 2012:A1360; 2010:A2639; 2010:S227; 2008:S1841
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
06/09/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/16/2022 — Passed in Assembly 78-0-0.
06/20/2022 — Received in Senate and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
01/12/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A429
Sponsors: Thomson (R30)
Summary: Permits municipalities to charge fee to cover ancillary costs of traffic control; limits fee.
Related: 2020:A388; 2018:A1165; 2016:A2728; 2014:A1530; 2012:A1362; 2010:A3151
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A444
Sponsors: Thomson (R30)
Summary: Provides preference for in-State businesses in State contracting.
Related: 2020:A409; 2018:A5544; 2018:S3962
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A451
Sponsors: Thomson (R30)
Summary: Allows person calling certain State or local government entities to have option of speaking or leaving recorded message with human telephone operator during normal business hours.
Related: 2022:S208; 2020:A2533; 2018:A2153; 2016:A1049; 2014:A316; 2012:A1605; 2010:A778; 2008:A228; 2006:A2690
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A461
Sponsors: Danielsen (D17)
Summary: Increases thresholds for environmental assessment requirements for certain transportation projects under Executive Order No. 215 of 1989.
Related: 2020:A6153; 2020:S4070
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
05/02/2022 — Withdrawn from the files.
Position: Support


Bill: A483
Sponsors: Murphy (D7); Reynolds-Jackson (D15) +3
Summary: Provides certain employment protections for working parents due to school closure during state of emergency and public health emergency.
Related: 2020:A4462; 2020:S2810
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A543
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18)
Summary: Requires construction of sidewalks along certain routes within certain radius of public schools.
Related: 2020:A937; 2018:A2002; 2016:A4822
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A552
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18)
Summary: Requires architects disclose insurance coverage.
Related: 2022:S778; 2020:A953; 2020:S4031; 2018:A5706
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Regulated Professions Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A558
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18)
Summary: Excludes permit applications for construction of certain pipelines and related infrastructure from eligibility for automatic approval if DEP fails to take action on application within 90 days.
Related: 2020:A2379; 2018:A3517
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A563
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18)
Summary: Requires entities performing certain construction services on public contracts to carry errors and omissions insurance.
Related: 2020:A4010
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A571
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18); Moriarty (D4)
Summary: “General Contractor Licensing Act;” provides for licensure of general contractors.
Related: 2020:A4507
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Regulated Professions Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A573 AcsAca (ACS/1R)
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18); Freiman (D16); Calabrese (D36); Greenwald (D6); Scutari (D22); Diegnan (D18) +20
Summary: Provides for expedited construction inspections.
Related: 2022:S3014; 2020:A4850; 2020:S3095
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Commerce and Economic Development.
10/20/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee substitute, referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee.
12/05/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
12/15/2022 — Passed in Assembly 77-0-0. Received in Senate w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Senate.
12/19/2022 — Substituted for S-3014 (SCS). Passed in Senate and sent to Governor 37-0.
01/05/2023 — Signed by the Governor P.L.2022, c.139.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A574 Aca (1R)
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18); Swain (D38) +1
Summary: Establishes ranking criteria for certain nonpoint source pollution control grants issued by DEP.
Related: 2020:A5194
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
03/10/2022 — Transferred to Assembly Special Committee on Infrastructure & Natural Resources. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A580
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18)
Summary: Establishes expedited construction plan review program.
Related: 2020:A5838
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A623
Sponsors: Kean, S (R30)
Summary: Establishes time periods for adverse possession of certain property.
Related: 2022:A2909; 2020:A368; 2020:A2939; 2018:A3428; 2018:A3747; 2018:S1061; 2016:A3800; 2016:A5180; 2016:S1609; 2014:A1682; 2014:A3547; 2014:S1364; 2014:S2143; 2012:A1551; 2012:S2946; 2010:A1451; 2008:A2054; 2008:S130; 2006:A2606; 2006:S1868; 2004:A4193
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A644
Sponsors: Coughlin (D19); Munoz (R21)
Summary: Requires use of design-bid-build or design-build delivery system for certain local government construction projects.
Related: 2020:A5902; 2020:S3829
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A653
Sponsors: Verrelli (D15); Reynolds-Jackson (D15) +7
Summary: Require business seeking to perform State contract to disclose certain labor and employment law violations.
Related: 2020:A801; 2020:S3502; 2018:A5087; 2018:S3429
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A682
Sponsors: Verrelli (D15); Benson (D14); Mukherji (D33)
Summary: Directs DEP to develop State water infrastructure investment plan; requires NJ Infrastructure Bank to publish additional information about water infrastructure projects; appropriates $200,000 to NJ Infrastructure Bank.
Related: 2022:S1229; 2020:A5987; 2020:S4011
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A716
Sponsors: Rumpf (R9); Gove (R9); Bergen (R25)
Summary: Authorizes municipal dredging of lagoon community waterways and levying of special assessment or issuing of bonds to finance such dredging.
Related: 2022:S961; 2020:A783; 2020:S907; 2018:A971; 2018:S1413; 2016:A1178; 2016:S925; 2014:A2159; 2014:S902; 2012:A670; 2012:S1036; 2010:A2444; 2010:S2256; 2008:A2048; 2006:A3171
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A728
Sponsors: Rumpf (R9); Gove (R9)
Summary: Authorizes municipalities to establish dredging control reserve fund.
Related: 2020:A6046
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A731
Sponsors: Gove (R9); Rumpf (R9)
Summary: Establishes municipal authority to supervise, discipline and terminate employment of construction code officials.
Related: 2020:A898; 2018:A679; 2016:A967; 2014:A714; 2012:A610; 2010:A327; 2008:A1695; 2006:A670; 2006:S149; 2004:A2961; 2004:S1642
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A767
Sponsors: Scharfenberger (R13); Dunn (R25) +2
Summary: Suspends running of timeframes for county planning board action during state of emergency.
Related: 2020:A4164
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A838
Sponsors: Jimenez (D32); Mejia (D32)
Summary: Allows local contracting unit to accept bid up to five percent more than lowest responsible bid under certain circumstances.
Related: 2020:A541; 2018:A4197
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A902
Sponsors: Peterson (R23) +3
Summary: Requires municipal governing bodies and boards of education to provide sufficient time for all requested public comment at open public meetings.
Related: 2020:A1798; 2018:A1066; 2016:A1534; 2014:A523; 2012:A160; 2010:A2263
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A908
Sponsors: Peterson (R23) +1
Summary: Prohibits employment of illegal aliens and requires use of E-Verify program in public contracts.
Related: 2020:A1806; 2018:A1079; 2016:A3674
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A929
Sponsors: Sumter (D35); Stanley (D18); Space (R24); Moriarty (D4) +2
Summary: Requires professional boards to provide for online processing of application for licensure or renewal.
Related: 2020:A696; 2018:A1982; 2016:A1133; 2016:S2205; 2014:A3561; 2014:S2610
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Regulated Professions Committee.
02/14/2022 — Withdrawn from the files.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A931
Sponsors: Sumter (D35); Murphy (D7) +1
Summary: Provides State information technology contracts will require use of software to document computer use by contractor.
Related: 2022:S1941; 2020:A702; 2020:S1965; 2018:A3989; 2018:S2960
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A948
Sponsors: DiMaio (R23); Space (R24); Wirths (R24)
Summary: Prohibits DEP from imposing conditions on projects exempt from “Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act.”
Related: 2020:A582; 2018:A498; 2016:A692; 2014:A538; 2012:A511; 2010:A734; 2008:A602; 2008:S2592; 2006:A3117
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1013
Sponsors: Webber (R26); Danielsen (D17) +3
Summary: Requires Commissioner of Community Affairs to compile and annually update list of all unfunded State and federal mandates on municipalities and counties.
Related: 2020:A477; 2020:S2220; 2018:A277; 2018:S1332; 2016:A1034; 2014:A2085; 2014:S330; 2012:A1785; 2012:S690; 2010:A1218; 2010:S421; 2008:A4150; 2008:S2990
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1020
Sponsors: Webber (R26)
Summary: Establishes procedure for notification to, and review by, municipalities of certain grant and loan applications for acquisition or development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes.
Related: 2020:A484; 2018:A288; 2016:A1564; 2014:A597; 2012:A970; 2010:A2266; 2008:A4380
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1023
Sponsors: Webber (R26) +2
Summary: Prohibits terminal leave compensation for local government employees.
Related: 2020:A487; 2018:A293; 2016:A1579; 2014:A1621; 2012:A1943; 2010:A2025
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1025
Sponsors: Webber (R26); Wirths (R24) +1
Summary: Revises timeframes for issuance of certain construction permits by DEP in 90 days.
Related: 2020:A489; 2018:A296; 2016:A1633; 2014:A4322
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1054
Sponsors: Schaer (D36); Wirths (R24) +1
Summary: Requires employers within construction industry to notify employees of certain rights.
Related: 2022:S2326; 2020:A1237; 2020:S1188; 2018:A2379; 2018:S345; 2016:A4353; 2016:S2901
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1072
Sponsors: Schaer (D36)
Summary: Directs public utility to reimburse municipality for police services required for safe completion of public utility project no later than 60 days after municipality submits bill to public utility.
Related: 2020:A2859; 2018:A2176
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1089
Sponsors: Calabrese (D36); McKnight (D31)
Summary: Expands municipal authority to license and inspect residential rental property.
Related: 2022:S2339; 2020:A1688; 2020:S1638; 2018:A1513; 2018:S1091; 2016:A2644; 2016:S732; 2014:A4764; 2014:S3277
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1100 AaAaScaSa (4R)
Sponsors: Calabrese (D36); Mukherji (D33); McKnight (D31) +11
Summary: Requires entities to remove abandoned lines and certain copper telephone lines and mark information on certain lines.
Related: 2022:S995; 2020:A6164; 2020:S4299
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
03/14/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
12/15/2022 — Amended on Assembly floor, 2nd reading in Assembly (Wimberly).
01/26/2023 — Amended on Assembly floor, 2nd reading in Assembly (Wimberly).
02/27/2023 — Passed in Assembly 63-13-1.
02/28/2023 — Received in Senate and referred to Senate Economic Growth Committee.
06/08/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/20/2023 — Amended on Senate floor, 2nd reading in Senate by voice vote (Ruiz).
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1101
Sponsors: Chaparro (D33)
Summary: Directs public utilities and pipeline operators to reimburse municipalities for certain emergency services.
Related: 2020:A1212; 2020:S1987; 2018:A1471; 2018:S668; 2016:A250; 2016:S1135; 2014:A1161; 2014:S1500; 2012:A4266; 2012:S2938
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1115
Sponsors: Chaparro (D33); Reynolds-Jackson (D15); Danielsen (D17); Pou (D35); Turner (D15) +5
Summary: Requires DEP to prioritize funding for environmental infrastructure projects for applicants with established program to employ, at project or related facilities, local residents or residents of nearby urban aid qualifying municipalities.
Related: 2022:S1679; 2020:A5018; 2020:S3314
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Special Committee on Infrastructure & Natural Resources.
03/10/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
03/24/2022 — Passed in Assembly 76-1-0. Received in Senate w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Senate. Substituted for S-1679. Passed in Senate and sent to Governor 36-0.
05/09/2022 — Signed by the Governor P.L.2022, c.14.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1195
Sponsors: Jasey (D27); Greenwald (D6)
Summary: Raises statutory threshold for certain public bidding, permits bidder disqualification due to prior negative experience, adds exemptions to public bidding requirement under “State College Contracts Law,” and establishes process for cooperative pricing sys
Related: 2020:A6005; 2020:S4043
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Higher Education Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1208
Sponsors: Clifton (R12); Rooney (R40)
Summary: Requires DOT to conduct study and issue report on use of rock salt on roadways.
Related: 2020:A1553; 2018:A1788; 2016:A4899
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1228
Sponsors: Pintor Marin (D29)
Summary: Requires owner or operator of industrial establishment applying for de minimis exemption from “Industrial Site Recovery Act” to certify as to no actual knowledge of contamination exceeding remediation standards.
Related: 2020:A2044; 2018:A3419; 2016:A1356; 2014:A1585; 2012:A3367; 2012:S2332
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1229
Sponsors: Pintor Marin (D29); Calabrese (D36) +1
Summary: Applies local public contract bid threshold amounts to local pay to play and prevailing wage laws.
Related: 2022:S2596; 2022:S2597; 2020:A2045; 2020:S1480; 2018:A3420; 2018:S1102; 2016:A1118; 2016:S728; 2014:A4565; 2014:S3138
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1232
Sponsors: Pintor Marin (D29); Mukherji (D33)
Summary: Prohibits sewerage authority from imposing connection fee in certain circumstances.
Related: 2020:A2051; 2018:A4508; 2018:S3204
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1246
Sponsors: Pintor Marin (D29); Benson (D14); Timberlake (D34) +6
Summary: Establishes creative crosswalks pilot program.
Related: 2020:A2302; 2020:S3533
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1263 Aca (1R)
Sponsors: Stanley (D18); McKeon (D27); Calabrese (D36)
Summary: Requires municipalities, public utilities, and State to use LED technology in certain street lights.
Related: 2020:A3341; 2020:S334; 2018:A3998; 2018:S2380; 2016:A4696; 2016:S3060
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
05/16/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1266
Sponsors: Stanley (D18)
Summary: Exempts solar energy systems from building fees.
Related: 2022:S2607; 2020:A3578; 2018:A4002; 2018:S607; 2016:S3472
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1267
Sponsors: Stanley (D18); Chaparro (D33); McKnight (D31)
Summary: Requires public agency receiving State funds to post on website use of State funds for public work contracts with minority, women, and veteran owned businesses.
Related: 2020:A3587; 2020:S904
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1290
Sponsors: Greenwald (D6); Webber (R26) +3
Summary: Requires DEP to submit annual financial report on status of certain fund balances.
Related: 2020:A1273; 2018:A1298; 2016:A1751; 2014:A3169; 2012:A1314; 2010:A1664; 2010:S1180; 2008:A741; 2008:S1580; 2006:A4152
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1294 AcaAca (2R)
Sponsors: Greenwald (D6); Calabrese (D36); Mukherji (D33); Jasey (D27)
Summary: Authorizes conversion of certain office parks and retail centers to mixed-use developments.
Related: 2022:S2103; 2020:A1278; 2018:A1309; 2016:A5229
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee.
03/07/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/02/2022 — Recommitted to Assembly Housing Committee. Not Rep/Aca Aho.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1297
Sponsors: Greenwald (D6); Mukherji (D33); DeAngelo (D14)
Summary: Directs BPU to establish two-year innovative drinking water supply and wastewater infrastructure grant program.
Related: 2020:A1283; 2018:A2778; 2018:S1888; 2016:A3399
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1300
Sponsors: Greenwald (D6)
Summary: Clarifies intent of P.L.2018, c.74 regarding local government utility connection fees.
Related: 2020:A1288; 2018:A5151; 2018:S3503
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1301
Sponsors: Greenwald (D6)
Summary: Concerns prevailing wage payments in residential construction projects.
Related: 2020:A1290; 2020:S2514; 2018:A5352; 2018:S2693
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1303
Sponsors: Greenwald (D6); Verrelli (D15)
Summary: Requires certain public contract bid advertisements to contain certified cost estimate ranges, specifies grounds for rejection of all bids, and requires 50% guaranty on bids; designated as the Fairness in Bidding Act.
Related: 2020:A2267; 2018:A1285; 2016:A1737; 2014:A2027; 2012:A4147
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1307
Sponsors: Greenwald (D6)
Summary: Modifies requirements for preliminary site plans and subdivisions under Municipal Land Use Law.
Related: 2020:A3057; 2018:A1307; 2016:A4746; 2016:S2788
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Amend
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1310
Sponsors: Greenwald (D6); Benson (D14); McKnight (D31) +10
Summary: Expands indoor capacity for food or beverage establishments and banquet and wedding venues under certain circumstances during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
Related: 2022:S1909; 2020:A5133; 2020:S3374
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Commerce and Economic Development.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1366
Sponsors: Wimberly (D35); Coughlin (D19); Scharfenberger (R13)
Summary: Permits extension of certain deadlines applicable to local government units under emergency circumstances.
Related: 2020:A3902
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Support
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1431
Sponsors: Kennedy (D22)
Summary: Requires public utility performing road excavation to repave part of road that was excavated if that road had been repaved in previous five years.
Related: 2020:A1723; 2018:A1375; 2018:S825; 2016:S2473
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1450
Sponsors: Lopez (D19); Mukherji (D33)
Summary: Concerns information security standards and guidelines for State and local government.
Related: 2020:A1396; 2018:A4247
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
02/07/2022 — Reported out of committee, referred to Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1457
Sponsors: Lopez (D19); Karabinchak (D18); Kennedy (D22) +1
Summary: Concerns procedures with respect to repair of certain public utility facilities and related street repaving.
Related: 2020:A1415; 2020:S1452; 2018:A5373
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1458
Sponsors: Lopez (D19)
Summary: Requires public utilities and cable television companies to accommodate and relocate facilities and pay costs thereof when necessary for infrastructure projects.
Related: 2020:A1416; 2018:A5374; 2016:A1902; 2014:A1701; 2012:A1574; 2010:A3896
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1523
Sponsors: Moriarty (D4)
Summary: Makes certain changes to public access of government records.
Related: 2020:A1456; 2018:A555; 2018:S4221; 2016:A727; 2014:A619; 2012:A1220; 2010:A2114; 2010:S1691
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1551
Sponsors: Moriarty (D4); Verrelli (D15); Jimenez (D32)
Summary: Concerning the “Contractors’ Registration Act.”
Related: 2022:S2101; 2020:A5640; 2020:S1544; 2018:A2904; 2018:S1326; 2016:A1506; 2016:S2533; 2014:A1776; 2012:A2846; 2010:A4100; 2008:A2197; 2006:A3048; 2004:A4477
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Regulated Professions Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1573
Sponsors: Moen (D5)
Summary: Requires DOT to compensate local government entities for contractual delay damages resulting from shutdown of transportation projects funded by Transportation Trust Fund; authorizes local government entities to use certain funds for transportation project
Related: 2022:S2043; 2020:A3791; 2020:S1909; 2018:S1276; 2016:A4114; 2016:S2776
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1602
Sponsors: McGuckin (R10); Catalano (R10)
Summary: Requires municipalities to reimburse qualified private communities for street paving costs.
Related: 2022:S1811; 2020:A3310; 2020:S136; 2018:A717; 2018:S1253; 2016:A1282; 2016:S1709; 2014:A1212; 2014:S501; 2012:A403; 2012:S1248; 2010:A2638; 2010:S1330
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1621
Sponsors: McGuckin (R10); Catalano (R10)
Summary: Prohibits default approvals of certain municipal land use applications, and permits municipal agencies to not hold certain required meetings, under emergency circumstances.
Related: 2022:S1287; 2020:A4119; 2020:S2439
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1643
Sponsors: Catalano (R10); McGuckin (R10) +1
Summary: Requires water purveyors to notify municipalities they service regarding water supply and water quality issues.
Related: 2020:A461; 2018:A626; 2016:A954; 2014:A2331; 2012:A357; 2010:A1279; 2008:A904; 2006:A2958; 2006:S1722
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1755 AcaAca (2R)
Sponsors: McKeon (D27); Calabrese (D36); Conaway (D7) +2
Summary: Requires installation of operational automatic rain sensor or smart sprinkler as condition of sale of certain real properties, and on certain commercial, retail, and industrial properties and common interest communities within specified timeframes.
Related: 2022:S2505; 2020:A3385; 2018:A2914; 2016:A1484; 2014:A1754; 2012:A1972; 2010:A2123; 2010:A2124; 2010:A2236; 2010:S447; 2010:S448; 2008:A1625; 2008:S704; 2008:S705; 2006:A3591; 2006:A3593; 2006:S2156; 2006:S2157
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
02/16/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/15/2023 — Recommitted to Assembly Labor Committee. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1774
Sponsors: DeAngelo (D14)
Summary: Requires prompt payment of certain construction contracts.
Related: 2020:A249; 2018:A134; 2016:A5095; 2016:S3367
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1804
Sponsors: Lampitt (D6); Moriarty (D4)
Summary: Encourages local unit sharing of services; makes appropriations.
Related: 2022:A3160; 2020:A1600; 2020:A3389; 2020:S1; 2018:A1839; 2018:A2929; 2018:S1; 2016:A2490; 2016:A3294; 2016:S1; 2014:A1838; 2014:S1; 2012:A1171; 2012:S2; 2010:A3918; 2010:S2794
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1831
Sponsors: Lampitt (D6); Haider (D37)
Summary: Authorizes DOT, NJTA, and SJTA to permit BPU-certified persons to install and maintain solar photovoltaic panels on noise barriers erected on roads and highways.
Related: 2020:A3019; 2018:A1840; 2016:A2491; 2016:S2733; 2014:A1843; 2012:A2430; 2010:A1553; 2010:S460; 2008:A3347; 2008:S2218
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1860
Sponsors: Giblin (D34)
Summary: Provides for lower speed limits on certain residential access streets.
Related: 2020:A882; 2020:S2080; 2018:A930; 2016:A1851
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1862
Sponsors: Giblin (D34)
Summary: Establishes pilot program to allow certain counties and municipalities to use single firm for design and inspection services on certain transportation projects.
Related: 2020:A885; 2018:A933; 2016:A3881; 2014:A4122
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Support
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1881
Sponsors: Giblin (D34)
Summary: Concerns construction code enforcing agency fee revenue.
Related: 2020:A5895; 2020:S3868
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1885
Sponsors: Tully (D38); Swain (D38); Freiman (D16) +2
Summary: Establishes Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Advisory Council.
Related: 2020:A2123; 2020:S1915; 2018:A5295; 2018:S1864; 2016:A1461; 2016:S631; 2014:A3888; 2014:S2521
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1905
Sponsors: Tully (D38); Swain (D38); Moen (D5) +2
Summary: Requires DOT to create traffic calming tool kit.
Related: 2020:A6027
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
10/17/2022 — Reported out of committee, referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1917
Sponsors: Swain (D38); Tully (D38); Calabrese (D36) +1
Summary: Establishes “Enhanced Crossing and Crosswalk Pilot Program” in Bergen County.
Related: 2022:S4046; 2020:A2096; 2018:A5621
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
06/15/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1936
Sponsors: Swain (D38); Tully (D38); Moen (D5) +1
Summary: Increases traffic threshold for local installation of certain speed humps on certain local streets without DOT approval.
Related: 2020:A6030
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
10/17/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A1942 Aca (1R)
Sponsors: Swain (D38); Benson (D14) +1
Summary: Requires Division of Highway Traffic Safety to conduct public awareness campaign regarding bicycle and pedestrian safety.
Related: 2022:S4058; 2020:A2110; 2018:A6069
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
05/11/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1949
Sponsors: Mukherji (D33); Pintor Marin (D29); Calabrese (D36) +5
Summary: Authorizes DCA, DEP, DOT, and municipalities, to provide priority consideration to permit applications for green building projects.
Related: 2020:A2152; 2018:A1903; 2018:S2916; 2016:A2081; 2016:S3129; 2014:A2580; 2012:A3103; 2012:S2732; 2010:A1102; 2008:A4190
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1983 Aca (1R)
Sponsors: Mukherji (D33); Moen (D5) +2
Summary: Requires municipalities, counties, and school districts to report cybersecurity incidents.
Related: 2020:A6104; 2020:S4037
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Committee.
06/09/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A1990
Sponsors: Conaway (D7); Mukherji (D33); Danielsen (D17) +10
Summary: Requires DEP to adopt Statewide plan to reduce lead exposure from contaminated soils and drinking water.
Related: 2020:A968; 2020:S77; 2018:A3373; 2018:S682; 2016:A4306; 2016:S3186
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2041
Sponsors: Benson (D14)
Summary: Establishes grant program in DEP to provide financial assistance to municipalities for infrastructure and other physical upgrades to certain municipally owned sanitary landfill facilities closed before June 1987; appropriates $10 million.
Related: 2022:S293; 2020:A6010; 2020:S4141
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2062
Sponsors: Danielsen (D17)
Summary: Provides remedy for prevailing party in construction code appeal and other incentives for efficient, appropriate administration of State Uniform Construction Code.
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2082
Sponsors: Webber (R26)
Summary: Authorizes installation of automatic standby generators in certain residences without zoning or planning board approval.
Related: 2020:A2924; 2018:A2261; 2018:S2237; 2016:A3564; 2016:A3750; 2016:S204; 2014:A4330; 2014:S2313
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2091
Sponsors: Webber (R26)
Summary: Waives certain inspection fees for municipally owned affordable housing developments.
Related: 2020:A2925; 2018:A2978; 2018:S1560; 2016:A4929; 2016:S3253
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A2128
Sponsors: Munoz (R21)
Summary: Requires evaluation of appropriateness of light frame construction for multiple dwellings and imposes moratorium on light frame construction until determination and recommendations are adopted.
Related: 2020:A2889; 2018:A2502; 2016:A1611; 2014:A4195; 2014:S2772
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2192
Sponsors: Munoz (R21) +1
Summary: Waives requirement to attend in-person continuing education as a result of public health emergency.
Related: 2020:A4489; 2020:S3624
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2234 Acs (ACS)
Sponsors: McKeon (D27); Timberlake (D34); Calabrese (D36) +8
Summary: Provides CBT and gross income tax credits for certain deliveries of low carbon concrete and for costs of conducting environmental product declaration analyses of low carbon concrete.
Related: 2022:S287; 2020:A5223; 2020:S3732
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
11/21/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee substitute, referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
12/12/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
12/15/2022 — Substituted by S-287 (SCS/1R).
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2273
Sponsors: Murphy (D7)
Summary: Reduces allowed diversion of funds from stormwater, water, and sewer purposes to municipal and county budgets; requires municipalities and counties to notify Division of Local Government Services of diversions.
Related: 2022:S1342; 2020:A5015; 2020:S3288
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A2277
Sponsors: Murphy (D7)
Summary: Allows municipality to suspend certain zoning requirements during COVID-19 emergency.
Related: 2020:A4418; 2020:S2542
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A2278
Sponsors: Murphy (D7)
Summary: Requires municipalities to accept complaints and provide certain municipal announcements by electronic means.
Related: 2020:A2820; 2018:A3682; 2018:S2936
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2302
Sponsors: Matsikoudis (R21); Sauickie (R12)
Summary: Revises requirements for signage indicating accessible facilities for people with disabilities.
Related: 2022:S1765; 2020:A3227; 2020:S3511; 2018:A2816; 2016:A2900; 2014:A3743
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Human Services Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2384
Sponsors: Wimberly (D35)
Summary: Requires cost analysis in certain cases when State department contracts out work.
Related: 2022:S1319; 2020:A1902; 2020:S1288; 2018:A4538; 2018:S1518; 2016:S1736; 2014:S1937; 2012:S1488; 2010:A2687; 2010:S1309; 2008:A3031; 2008:S873; 2006:S1345; 2004:S767; 2002:A1334; 2002:S994; 2000:A1298; 2000:S998; 1998:A186; 1998:S569; 1998:S904; 1996:A1614; 1996:S694; 1994:A3175; 1994:S2224
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Amend
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A2402
Sponsors: Wimberly (D35)
Summary: Requires Commissioner of Transportation to publish notice of certain transportation-related infrastructure projects and activities on Internet website, and directs State Comptroller to monitor publication of notifications.
Related: 2020:A2385; 2020:S301; 2018:A1130; 2018:S355; 2016:A1868; 2016:S671; 2014:A4157; 2014:S1424; 2012:S1591; 2010:S103; 2008:S2721
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2412
Sponsors: Wimberly (D35)
Summary: Changes types of development requiring CAFRA permit from DEP.
Related: 2020:A2391; 2018:A1125; 2016:A1863; 2014:A1400; 2014:S65; 2012:A3921
History: 02/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2429
Sponsors: Reynolds-Jackson (D15)
Summary: Requires bidder on State contract to be evaluated on report of its gender-based pay equity and job equality standards for its employees.
Related: 2022:S1320; 2020:S1286; 2018:A1868; 2018:S1522; 2016:A883; 2016:S2101; 2014:A4675
History: 02/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2430
Sponsors: Reynolds-Jackson (D15); McKnight (D31)
Summary: Provides awarding of contracts for professional services by State, county, municipal, and school district through competitive contracting process.
Related: 2022:S1315; 2020:S1299; 2018:S1545; 2016:A2629; 2016:S641; 2014:A2115; 2014:S1586; 2012:A3634; 2012:S1517; 2010:S1311; 2008:S484; 2006:A526; 2006:S754; 2004:A2885; 2004:S2532
History: 02/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Oppose
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A2439
Sponsors: Wirths (R24); Space (R24)
Summary: Prohibits DOT from taking certain action on certain rock fall mitigation projects and requires DOT to conduct analysis on project alternatives.
Related: 2022:S657; 2020:A4601; 2020:S2863
History: 02/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2445
Sponsors: Rumpf (R9); Gove (R9)
Summary: Authorizes municipalities to adopt ordinances requiring maintenance and repair of certain wharves, piers, docks and bulkheads.
Related: 2022:S962; 2020:A784; 2020:S1382; 2018:A972; 2018:S897; 2016:A3177; 2016:S928; 2016:S3638; 2014:A3855; 2014:S2506; 2012:S1038; 2010:A334; 2010:S865; 2008:A1944; 2008:S1673; 2006:A4093; 2006:S2549
History: 02/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2448
Sponsors: Rumpf (R9); Gove (R9)
Summary: “Invest in New Jersey First Act;” requires preference in awarding certain contracts for critical infrastructure projects.
Related: 2020:A785; 2018:A973; 2016:A3182; 2014:A2774; 2012:A2480; 2012:S1070; 2010:A321; 2010:S1056; 2008:A3446; 2008:S2410
History: 02/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Commerce and Economic Development.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2449
Sponsors: Rumpf (R9); Gove (R9)
Summary: Directs DOT and NJT to study and report on transportation infrastructure needs in coastal counties.
Related: 2022:A2674; 2020:A790; 2018:A3376; 2016:A3194; 2014:A2778; 2012:A2469; 2012:S1547; 2010:A319; 2010:S123; 2008:A3244; 2008:S2185
History: 02/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2463
Sponsors: McGuckin (R10)
Summary: Limits certain unused sick leave pay and vacation leave carry-forward for public officers and employees.
Related: 2020:A427; 2018:A751; 2016:A4919; 2016:S2947
History: 02/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2761
Sponsors: Reynolds-Jackson (D15); Wimberly (D35); Jaffer (D16) +1
Summary: Requires entities at every level of government to conduct periodic studies of racial and ethnic disparities in public contracting.
Related: 2022:S382; 2020:A845; 2020:S318; 2018:A6081; 2018:S4233
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2803
Sponsors: Calabrese (D36)
Summary: Clarifies municipal authority to share construction code officials.
Related: 2022:A2779; 2020:A645; 2018:A5127; 2018:S3565
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2842
Sponsors: Benson (D14)
Summary: Establishes Main Street Economic Growth Program to encourage business development in small, highly developed municipalities.
Related: 2020:A1345; 2020:S1997; 2018:A2441; 2018:S3532; 2016:A2223; 2016:S892; 2014:A4521
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Commerce and Economic Development.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2907
Sponsors: Webber (R26)
Summary: Exempts expansion or reconstruction, within 125% of existing footprint, of municipal and county buildings and certain emergency services buildings from “Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act.”
Related: 2022:S988; 2020:A2975; 2020:S937; 2018:A2203; 2018:S894; 2016:A4222; 2016:S2572
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A2909
Sponsors: Webber (R26)
Summary: Concerns time frames for establishing or enforcing property rights related to adverse possession.
Related: 2022:A623; 2020:A368; 2020:A2939; 2018:A3428; 2018:A3747; 2018:S1061; 2016:A3800; 2016:A5180; 2016:S1609; 2014:A1682; 2014:A3547; 2014:S1364; 2014:S2143; 2012:A1551; 2012:S2946; 2010:A1451; 2008:A2054; 2008:S130; 2006:A2606; 2006:S1868; 2004:A4193
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2916
Sponsors: Webber (R26) +1
Summary: Permits members of Community Emergency Response Teams to perform traffic duties under certain circumstances.
Related: 2022:S2113; 2020:A2913; 2020:S3861; 2018:A5874
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A2961
Sponsors: Webber (R26)
Summary: Eliminates automatic increases of petroleum products taxes.
Related: 2020:A2935; 2018:A4516; 2018:S3718
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3080
Sponsors: Mukherji (D33)
Summary: Requires outdoor lighting fixtures installed or replaced by, or on behalf of State, or at projects receiving State funds, to meet certain criteria.
Related: 2022:S3138; 2020:A2633; 2018:A5245
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A3094
Sponsors: Stanley (D18); Jaffer (D16)
Summary: Requires Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy to undertake study to determine efficiency and scaling in delivery of local government services.
Related: 2022:S1445; 2020:A5244; 2020:S244; 2018:S3766
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3134
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18); Benson (D14)
Summary: Establishes limits on zoning restrictions for certain electric battery storage equipment installation.
Related: 2022:S1173
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3143
Sponsors: Moen (D5)
Summary: Incorporates boardwalks into transportation local aid program and provides for Local Aid Infrastructure Fund grants to boardwalk projects.
Related: 2022:S1338; 2020:A4894; 2020:S3397; 2018:S4168
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A3157
Sponsors: McKeon (D27)
Summary: Establishes requirements for newly installed and replacement electric utility poles and transmission towers.
Related: 2020:A3105; 2018:A2907; 2016:A2819; 2014:A2534; 2012:A3621
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3160
Sponsors: McKeon (D27)
Summary: Encourages sharing of services; makes appropriations.
Related: 2022:A1804; 2020:A1600; 2020:A3389; 2020:S1; 2018:A1839; 2018:A2929; 2018:S1; 2016:A2490; 2016:A3294; 2016:S1; 2014:A1838; 2014:S1; 2012:A1171; 2012:S2; 2010:A3918; 2010:S2794
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A3162
Sponsors: McKeon (D27)
Summary: Restricts use of eminent domain by private pipeline companies to those demonstrating pipeline is in the public interest and that agree to certain regulation by BPU.
Related: 2020:A3111; 2018:A2944; 2018:S799; 2016:A2817; 2016:S1615; 2014:A4178; 2014:S2748
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3166
Sponsors: McKeon (D27); Karabinchak (D18); Haider (D37)
Summary: Permits municipalities to require that new construction be solar ready.
Related: 2020:A2958; 2020:S1548; 2018:S600; 2016:S3464
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3177
Sponsors: Mukherji (D33)
Summary: Prohibits sewerage authorities, municipal authorities, and local units of government from charging interest on unpaid sewer fees and charges attributable to State or local entities, including housing authorities.
Related: 2020:A3522; 2018:A4798; 2018:S275; 2016:S857; 2014:S2563
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A3182
Sponsors: McKeon (D27) +1
Summary: Permits municipalities and counties to issue bonds to fund buy-out of accumulated leave time in order to reduce future terminal leave expenses.
Related: 2020:A3107; 2018:A2936; 2016:A2843; 2014:A3698
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3185
Sponsors: McKeon (D27)
Summary: Permits municipalities to prohibit gas connections in new construction.
Related: 2020:A3383
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3225
Sponsors: Lampitt (D6)
Summary: Prohibits local government agency from employing person on paid leave from local government agency of another county or municipality.
Related: 2020:A3040; 2018:A3155; 2016:A1436; 2014:A1820; 2012:A1143; 2010:A1529; 2008:A638; 2008:S2347; 2006:A4376
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3255
Sponsors: Wimberly (D35); Reynolds-Jackson (D15)
Summary: Designated the Equitable Disclosure Act of 2010, modifies provisions of MLUL concerning objectors to applications for development.
Related: 2020:A2406; 2018:A1140; 2016:A2210; 2016:S2045; 2014:A1383; 2012:A1642; 2010:A3279
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A3274
Sponsors: Benson (D14); Reynolds-Jackson (D15); Atkins (D20)
Summary: Requires DCA to establish procedures for inspection and abatement of mold hazards in residential buildings and school facilities, and certification programs for mold inspectors and mold hazard abatement workers.
Related: 2022:S2457; 2020:A1336; 2020:S574; 2018:A1433; 2018:S2897; 2016:A381; 2016:S251; 2014:A1007; 2014:S2142; 2012:A1588; 2012:S2081; 2010:A3773; 2010:S2633
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee.
05/08/2023 — Reported out of committee, referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3290
Sponsors: McKnight (D31); Wimberly (D35) +2
Summary: Requires professional licensing boards to issue licenses for certain individuals with good standing licenses or certification in other jurisdictions under certain circumstances.
Related: 2022:S1730; 2020:A1207; 2018:A5803
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Regulated Professions Committee.
05/16/2022 — Transferred to Assembly Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee.
05/19/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
05/26/2022 — Motion to amend on Assembly floor (Auth). Motion to table bill 43-32-0 (Greenwald). Passed in Assembly 78-0-0.
06/02/2022 — Received in Senate and referred to Senate Commerce Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A3394
Sponsors: Peterson (R23)
Summary: Requires certain conditions affecting application for development or zoning variance to be recorded with municipality and county.
Related: 2020:A3238; 2018:A2744; 2016:A1532; 2014:A521; 2012:A157; 2010:A620; 2008:S1893
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3397
Sponsors: Peterson (R23)
Summary: Authorizes design professionals to self-certify construction plans.
Related: 2020:A1801; 2018:A1072; 2016:A1543; 2014:A3047
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A3539
Sponsors: Lopez (D19)
Summary: Allows county or municipal governing body to enter into revenue sharing agreement for alcoholic beverage sales by concessionaire permit holder.
Related: 2022:S1846; 2020:A5231; 2020:S3382; 2020:S3806
History: 03/08/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3542
Sponsors: Lopez (D19)
Summary: Defines “mobile home park” as “multiple dwelling” for inspection purposes.
Related: 2022:S1851; 2020:A3876; 2020:S2106; 2018:A3655; 2018:S947; 2016:A2747; 2016:S1253; 2014:A792; 2014:S1199; 2012:A1266; 2012:S838; 2010:A3181; 2010:S852; 2008:A984; 2008:S609; 2006:A239; 2006:S819; 2004:A380; 2004:S1313; 2002:A2078; 2000:A3895; 2000:S994; 1998:S479; 1996:S510; 1994:S1680
History: 03/08/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3646
Sponsors: Wirths (R24) +1
Summary: Specifies conditions under which State, county, municipality, independent authority, school district, or higher education institution can grant unpaid or paid leave of absence to public employee to perform work for labor organization.
Related: 2020:A3987; 2018:A3534; 2016:A239; 2014:A1148; 2012:A3017; 2012:S2031
History: 03/17/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3699
Sponsors: Dunn (R25)
Summary: Requires State agencies, when developing and proposing rules, to utilize approaches that will accomplish objectives of statutory law while minimizing adverse economic impact on municipalities.
Related: 2020:A3413; 2018:A2971; 2018:S1299; 2016:A3100; 2016:S1767; 2014:A404; 2012:A1046; 2010:A3289
History: 03/24/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3708 AcaAa (2R)
Sponsors: Freiman (D16); Mosquera (D4); Tully (D38) +5
Summary: Concerns use of tents and other fixtures for outdoor dining on certain property.
Related: 2022:S2364
History: 05/02/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Commerce and Economic Development.
05/19/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
05/26/2022 — Amended on Assembly floor, 2nd reading in Assembly (Wimberly).
06/29/2022 — Substituted by S-2364 (2R).
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3710
Sponsors: Mukherji (D33); Freiman (D16); Calabrese (D36) +2
Summary: Makes permanent temporary enactment allowing certain alcoholic beverage retailers to sell and deliver alcoholic beverages and mixed drinks; establishes certain sale and delivery privileges for alcoholic beverage manufacturers.
Related: 2022:S355; 2020:A5848; 2020:S3915
History: 05/02/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3712 Acs (ACS)
Sponsors: Schaer (D36); Greenwald (D6); Benson (D14) +4
Summary: Requires disclosure of lead drinking water hazards to tenants of residential units; prohibits landlords from obstructing replacement of lead service lines; concerns testing of residential units for lead drinking water hazards.
Related: 2022:S2695
History: 05/02/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
12/05/2022 — Not Rep/Acs Aho.
02/13/2023 — Reported out of committee, referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
05/18/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
05/25/2023 — Passed in Assembly 74-0-0.
06/01/2023 — Received in Senate and referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3743
Sponsors: DeAngelo (D14)
Summary: Requires bidders on public works construction projects to submit information on fire safety features.
Related: 2022:S229; 2020:A5200; 2020:S1406; 2018:A5276; 2018:S3512
History: 05/02/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3761
Sponsors: Umba (R8); Piperno (R11); Eulner (R11)
Summary: Extends “whistleblower” protections to employee disclosure of governmental mismanagement, waste and abuse.
Related: 2022:S102; 2020:S1710; 2018:A1737; 2018:S1744; 2016:A867; 2016:S797; 2014:A1321; 2014:A3833; 2014:S768; 2012:A1099; 2012:S787; 2010:A4077; 2010:S2839
History: 05/02/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3811 AcaAca (2R)
Sponsors: Moen (D5); Benson (D14); Wimberly (D35) +3
Summary: Requires geotechnical testing and certain monitoring of transportation projects.
History: 05/02/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
09/22/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, referred to Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee.
06/20/2023 — Transferred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
06/22/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/30/2023 — Passed in Assembly 58-18-1.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3838
Sponsors: Jaffer (D16)
Summary: Increases flexibility, clarity, and available tools of certain municipal consolidation processes.
Related: 2022:S1894; 2020:S1577; 2018:A1806; 2018:S614; 2016:A2921; 2016:S690; 2014:A1739; 2014:S316; 2012:A4099; 2012:S2679
History: 05/09/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3861
Sponsors: Reynolds-Jackson (D15); Wimberly (D35)
Summary: Enhances transparency in exercise of municipal redevelopment powers.
Related: 2022:S2169; 2020:S1313; 2018:S1233; 2016:S1085; 2014:S1969; 2012:S1576; 2010:S1656; 2008:S1469; 2006:S760; 2004:S2925
History: 05/09/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3953
Sponsors: Quijano (D20)
Summary: Authorizes local governments to impose convenience fees for accepting electronic payments.
Related: 2022:S514; 2022:S1989; 2020:A5148
History: 05/12/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A3959
Sponsors: Quijano (D20); Jimenez (D32); Jaffer (D16) +1
Summary: Requires certain local authorities to inspect, maintain, and repair fire hydrants in planned real estate developments.
Related: 2022:S2935; 2020:A3618; 2020:S494; 2018:A1745; 2018:S2774; 2016:A4123; 2016:S2522
History: 05/12/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A4010
Sponsors: Haider (D37) +1
Summary: Requires DOT to inspect traffic signs and establish public awareness campaign concerning traffic signs in need of maintenance.
Related: 2022:S410; 2020:A662; 2020:S2192; 2018:A2372; 2018:S4009; 2016:A5111
History: 05/16/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4046
Sponsors: Barranco (R26); Webber (R26)
Summary: Allocates $10 million of constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues for grants for certain lake management activities for recreation and conservation purposes.
Related: 2022:S235; 2020:A3989; 2020:S1986
History: 05/16/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4130
Sponsors: Stanley (D18); Jaffer (D16)
Summary: Requires certain State projects to be designed and managed to include sustainable landscapes.
Related: 2020:A2782; 2018:A4003; 2018:S2381; 2016:S3543
History: 06/02/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4133
Sponsors: Stanley (D18)
Summary: Concerns expenses to municipalities for tree purchase, planting, and removal.
Related: 2022:S132; 2020:A3579; 2020:S221; 2018:S1466
History: 06/02/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4135
Sponsors: Stanley (D18); Karabinchak (D18); Conaway (D7)
Summary: Directs DEP to develop guidelines concerning State and local government purchase of goods made from recycled material.
Related: 2022:S1232; 2020:A2783; 2020:S1671; 2018:A5897
History: 06/02/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4236
Sponsors: Conaway (D7)
Summary: Requires certain public officials to complete course of study developed by Commissioner of Community Affairs on operation of public water and wastewater systems.
Related: 2022:S2693; 2020:S648; 2018:A3500; 2018:S1952
History: 06/13/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4262
Sponsors: Calabrese (D36); Jimenez (D32) +1
Summary: Adjusts certain public contract bid thresholds.
Related: 2022:S2620
History: 06/13/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A4296 AcaAcaAca (3R)
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18); Jasey (D27); Benson (D14) +7
Summary: Establishes “New Jersey Target Zero Commission.”
Related: 2022:S2885
History: 06/20/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
10/17/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
06/08/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/28/2023 — Recommitted to Assembly Budget Committee. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/30/2023 — Passed in Assembly 76-0-0.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A4319
Sponsors: Murphy (D7)
Summary: Requires certain public utilities to provide customers notice of certain utility work that could impact traffic.
Related: 2020:A2801; 2018:A3675; 2018:S2391
History: 06/20/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4372 AcaAcsAcsAca (ACS/1R)
Sponsors: Greenwald (D6); Murphy (D7)
Summary: Establishes “Elections Transparency Act;” requires reporting of campaign contributions in excess of $200; increases contribution limits; concerns independent expenditure committees, certain business entity contributions, and certain local provisions; requ
Related: 2022:S2866
History: 06/20/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
06/27/2022 — Transferred to Assembly Budget Committee. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
12/12/2022 — Recommitted to Assembly Appropriations Committee. Reported out of committee with committee substitute, 2nd reading in Assembly.
02/23/2023 — Recommitted to Assembly Appropriations Committee. Reported out of committee with committee substitute, 2nd reading in Assembly.
03/23/2023 — Recommitted to Assembly Appropriations Committee. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
03/30/2023 — Substituted by S-2866 (SCS/2R).
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4374 Acs (ACS)
Sponsors: Benson (D14); Pintor Marin (D29); McKnight (D31) +3
Summary: Authorizes DOT to compensate certain contractors and subcontractors affected by supply chain shortages; appropriates $10 million.
Related: 2022:S2909
History: 06/20/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
06/23/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/27/2022 — Recommitted to Assembly Budget Committee. Reported out of committee with committee substitute, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/29/2022 — Substituted by S-2909 (1R).
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A4376 Aca (1R)
Sponsors: Murphy (D7)
Summary: Clarifies that application to collocate wireless communications equipment be reviewed by administrative officer.
Related: 2020:A3165; 2020:S4082; 2018:A4888
History: 06/27/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
06/05/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4384
Sponsors: Lopez (D19)
Summary: Concerns structural integrity regulations for certain residential buildings.
Related: 2022:S2760
History: 06/27/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Housing Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A4405
Sponsors: Benson (D14); Wimberly (D35); Moen (D5); Diegnan (D18) +4
Summary: Concerns New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority; increases Transportation Trust Fund spending limit by $600 million.
Related: 2022:S2943
History: 06/27/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Budget Committee. Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/29/2022 — Passed in Assembly 75-2-1. Received in Senate w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Senate. Substituted for S-2943. Passed in Senate and sent to Governor 40-0.
06/30/2022 — Signed by the Governor P.L.2022, c.38.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A4611
Sponsors: Matsikoudis (R21); Rooney (R40); Flynn (R13) +1
Summary: Authorizes Commissioner of Transportation to allow painting of blue line between double yellow centerline marking on public roads.
Related: 2022:S922; 2020:A2011; 2018:A1962; 2018:S94; 2016:A4618; 2016:S3094
History: 09/22/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A4731
Sponsors: Sauickie (R12)
Summary: Permits certain entities to operate unmanned aircraft systems to inspect damage to critical infrastructure.
History: 10/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4792
Sponsors: Benson (D14); Spearman (D5); Wimberly (D35)
Summary: Changes definition of eligible contract for DOT grant program to compensate certain contractors and subcontractors affected by supply chain shortages.
Related: 2022:S3124
History: 10/17/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
12/08/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
01/26/2023 — Substituted by S-3124.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4797 AcaAca (2R)
Sponsors: Karabinchak (D18); Benson (D14); Verrelli (D15); Diegnan (D18); Oroho (R24) +20
Summary: Concerns percentage of reclaimed asphalt pavement and recycled materials that can be used for certain road projects.
Related: 2022:S3255
History: 10/20/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
01/19/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, referred to Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee.
03/20/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/22/2023 — Recommitted to Assembly Commerce and Economic Development. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/30/2023 — Passed in Assembly 78-0-0. Received in Senate w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Senate. Substituted for S-3255 (2R). Passed in Senate and sent to Governor 36-0.
09/12/2023 — Signed by the Governor P.L.2023, c.160.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A4816
Sponsors: Moen (D5); McKnight (D31)
Summary: Eliminates five percent down payment requirement for bond ordinances approved by counties and municipalities.
Related: 2022:S2344; 2020:A3517; 2020:S1472; 2018:S2512; 2016:A1640; 2016:S2334; 2014:A1065; 2012:A2447; 2012:S616; 2010:S2209
History: 10/20/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A4865 Aca (1R)
Sponsors: Swain (D38); Stanley (D18); Lampitt (D6) +6
Summary: Requires DCA to track natural disaster-related spending by State and local government.
Related: 2022:S3359; 2020:A1186; 2018:A4536; 2018:S2950
History: 11/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Consumer Affairs.
12/08/2022 — Transferred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee. Rep/Aca Ref Anr. Reported out of committee, referred to Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A4934 AcaAca (2R)
Sponsors: Benson (D14); Moen (D5); Wimberly (D35) +5
Summary: Establishes Mobility and Transportation Innovation Pilot Program in DOT; appropriates $2 million.
Related: 2022:S3976
History: 12/05/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
12/08/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, referred to Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Committee.
06/15/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
06/22/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/30/2023 — Substituted by S-3976 (1R).
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A4984
Sponsors: Calabrese (D36); Greenwald (D6)
Summary: Reduces parking spaces required in Statewide site improvement standards at residential developments relative to development’s proximity to public transportation.
Related: 2022:S3605
History: 12/15/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A5028
Sponsors: Sauickie (R12); Danielsen (D17)
Summary: Concerns regulatory guidance for local approving authorities on approval of warehouse development.
Related: 2022:S3468
History: 01/10/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A5036
Sponsors: Tully (D38); Swain (D38); Karabinchak (D18) +3
Summary: Requires “Electronic Permit Processing Review System” in DCA to enable applicant to submit electronic signature and certain other submission materials for permit application review.
Related: 2022:S3551
History: 01/10/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Commerce and Economic Development.
02/13/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
02/27/2023 — Passed in Assembly 78-0-0.
02/28/2023 — Received in Senate and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
03/02/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A5085 Aa (1R)
Sponsors: Tully (D38); Thomson (R30); Atkins (D20) +6
Summary: Requires employer or contractor engaged in work for a public body to register with and submit payroll records to DOLWD.
Related: 2022:S1439
History: 01/19/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
02/16/2023 — Reported out of committee, referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
03/20/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
05/25/2023 — Amended on Assembly floor, 2nd reading in Assembly (Wimberly).
Position: Monitor


Bill: A5099
Sponsors: Egan (D17)
Summary: Concerns contracting powers of certain local entities related to redevelopment.
Related: 2022:S3908
History: 01/23/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A5155
Sponsors: Guardian (R2)
Summary: Establishes “County Tourism Incentive Grant Fund” within Department of Treasury to provide funding for grants to counties to support tourism advertising and promotion.
Related: 2022:S2192; 2020:S488; 2018:S191; 2016:A1095; 2016:S201; 2014:A2776; 2014:S2202
History: 02/06/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Tourism and Gaming Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A5202
Sponsors: Sauickie (R12)
Summary: Requires DCA to establish certification courses for planning professionals on development of warehouses and high density buildings.
History: 02/16/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A5219
Sponsors: Space (R24)
Summary: Establishes “Local Governmental Process Activities Disclosure Act.”
Related: 2020:A2432; 2018:A2434; 2016:A395; 2016:S1402; 2014:A1034; 2014:S2561; 2012:A3879; 2012:A3882; 2012:S2585
History: 02/23/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A5337
Sponsors: Reynolds-Jackson (D15); Verrelli (D15); Atkins (D20)
Summary: Establishes additional municipal review processes and procedures related to development of certain large warehouses; requires certain real property revaluations and reassessments.
Related: 2022:S3664
History: 03/23/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A5406
Sponsors: Sumter (D35)
Summary: Concerns requirements for local purchasing agents.
Related: 2022:S389; 2020:S2572
History: 05/08/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: A5430 Aca (1R)
Sponsors: Reynolds-Jackson (D15); Wimberly (D35); Verrelli (D15) +11
Summary: Establishes procedures and standards regarding public service privatization contracts.
Related: 2022:S1350; 2020:A3538; 2020:S1711; 2018:A3275; 2018:S1743; 2016:A2300; 2016:S798; 2014:A2873; 2014:S770; 2012:A998; 2012:S968; 2010:A3407; 2010:S2323
History: 05/11/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Labor Committee.
06/15/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: A5507 Aca (1R)
Sponsors: Benson (D14); Pintor Marin (D29) +2
Summary: Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend certain sums to make loans for transportation infrastructure projects for FY2024; makes appropriation.
Related: 2022:S3873
History: 05/25/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
06/15/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
06/22/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/30/2023 — Substituted by S-3873 (1R).
Position: Monitor


Bill: A5627
Sponsors: McKnight (D31)
Summary: Requires municipal clerk to post municipal documents online.
Related: 2022:S3932
History: 06/20/2023 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: AR42
Sponsors: Peterson (R23)
Summary: Encourages municipalities to accept electronically submitted documents from licensed architects and landscape architects.
Related: 2020:AR137; 2018:AR72; 2016:AR262
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S102
Sponsors: Stanfield (R8)
Summary: Extends “whistleblower” protections to employee disclosure of governmental mismanagement, waste and abuse.
Related: 2022:A3761; 2020:S1710; 2018:A1737; 2018:S1744; 2016:A867; 2016:S797; 2014:A1321; 2014:A3833; 2014:S768; 2012:A1099; 2012:S787; 2010:A4077; 2010:S2839
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S130
Sponsors: Diegnan (D18) +1
Summary: Requires certain employers with State contracts to pay their employees their usual compensation for each day of jury service.
Related: 2020:S219; 2018:S753; 2016:A5055; 2016:S2929
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S132
Sponsors: Diegnan (D18); Greenstein (D14)
Summary: Concerns expenses to municipalities for tree purchase, planting, and removal.
Related: 2022:A4133; 2020:A3579; 2020:S221; 2018:S1466
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
09/29/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S164
Sponsors: Connors (R9) +1
Summary: Creates offense of financial exploitation of the elderly.
Related: 2020:S204; 2018:A3167; 2018:S315; 2016:A309; 2016:S266; 2014:A2461; 2014:S203; 2012:A2272; 2012:S1047; 2010:A330; 2010:S1034; 2008:A1698; 2008:S1663; 2006:A681; 2006:S1155; 2004:A4284; 2004:S2691
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S180
Sponsors: Stack (D33); Turner (D15)
Summary: Establishes fire safety standards and protocols for certain light frame residential construction; requires placards identifying primary structural systems of buildings.
Related: 2020:A250; 2020:S1448; 2020:S2051; 2018:A135; 2018:S1261; 2016:A5196; 2016:S3490
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S208
Sponsors: Bramnick (R21)
Summary: Allows person calling certain State or local government entities to have option of speaking or leaving a recorded message with a human telephone operator during normal business hours.
Related: 2022:A451; 2020:A2533; 2018:A2153; 2016:A1049; 2014:A316; 2012:A1605; 2010:A778; 2008:A228; 2006:A2690
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S222
Sponsors: Pennacchio (R26)
Summary: “Flood Control, Mitigation, and Prevention Bond Act”; authorizes bonds for up to $2 billion and appropriates $5,000.
Related: 2020:S923; 2018:S398; 2016:S113; 2014:S420; 2012:A2278; 2012:S908
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S229
Sponsors: Pennacchio (R26)
Summary: Requires bidders on public works construction projects to submit information on fire safety features.
Related: 2022:A3743; 2020:A5200; 2020:S1406; 2018:A5276; 2018:S3512
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S231
Sponsors: Pennacchio (R26)
Summary: Establishes home elevation fund and dedicates up to $5 million of realty transfer fee revenue annually for this purpose.
Related: 2020:S1554; 2018:S400; 2016:A2941; 2016:S122; 2014:S2470
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S235
Sponsors: Pennacchio (R26); Oroho (R24); Bucco (R25)
Summary: Allocates $10 million of constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues for grants for certain lake management activities for recreation and conservation purposes.
Related: 2022:A4046; 2020:A3989; 2020:S1986
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S287 ScsSca (SCS/1R)
Sponsors: Greenstein (D14); Singleton (D7); McKeon (D27); Timberlake (D34); Calabrese (D36) +15
Summary: Provides CBT and gross income tax credits for certain deliveries of low carbon concrete and for costs of conducting environmental product declaration analyses of low carbon concrete.
Related: 2022:A2234; 2020:A5223; 2020:S3732
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
06/13/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee substitute, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
06/27/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/29/2022 — Passed in Senate 39-0. Received in Assembly and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
11/21/2022 — Reported out of committee, referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
12/12/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
12/15/2022 — Substituted for A-2234 (ACS). Passed in Assembly and sent to Governor 74-4-0.
01/30/2023 — Signed by the Governor P.L.2023, c.4.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S293
Sponsors: Greenstein (D14)
Summary: Establishes grant program in DEP to provide financial assistance to municipalities for infrastructure and other physical upgrades to certain municipally owned sanitary landfill facilities closed before June 1987; appropriates $10 million.
Related: 2022:A2041; 2020:A6010; 2020:S4141
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S355 Sca (1R)
Sponsors: Gopal (D11); Greenstein (D14) +5
Summary: Makes permanent temporary enactment allowing certain alcoholic beverage retailers to sell and deliver alcoholic beverages and mixed drinks; establishes certain sale and delivery privileges for alcoholic beverage manufacturers.
Related: 2022:A3710; 2020:A5848; 2020:S3915
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee.
03/21/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S374
Sponsors: Gill (D34)
Summary: Requires DOT to study and issue report on use of plastic roads.
Related: 2020:A5513; 2020:S3496
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
05/16/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S382
Sponsors: Rice (D28); Singleton (D7)
Summary: Requires entities at every level of government to conduct periodic studies of racial and ethnic disparities in public contracting.
Related: 2022:A2761; 2020:A845; 2020:S318; 2018:A6081; 2018:S4233
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S389
Sponsors: Rice (D28); Turner (D15)
Summary: Concerns requirements for local purchasing agents.
Related: 2022:A5406; 2020:S2572
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S396
Sponsors: Johnson (D37)
Summary: Establishes award of attorney’s fees to prevailing party in municipal services dispute.
Related: 2020:A718; 2018:A1020; 2016:A2700; 2016:S1038; 2014:A3070; 2014:S941; 2014:S3070
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S410
Sponsors: Johnson (D37)
Summary: Requires DOT to inspect traffic signs and establish public awareness campaign concerning traffic signs in need of maintenance.
Related: 2022:A4010; 2020:A662; 2020:S2192; 2018:A2372; 2018:S4009; 2016:A5111
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S457
Sponsors: Sacco (D32)
Summary: Establishes design-build delivery system for NJTA and DOT projects.
Related: 2020:S482; 2018:S584; 2016:A1895; 2016:S2597; 2014:A1690; 2014:S401; 2012:A1561; 2012:S1211; 2010:A1475; 2008:A4284
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S477
Sponsors: Scutari (D22)
Summary: Establishes registry of out-of-state contractors who are awarded public works contracts in this State.
Related: 2022:A177; 2020:A5004; 2020:S3154
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S514
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Authorizes local governments to impose convenience fees for accepting electronic payments.
Related: 2022:A3953; 2022:S1989; 2020:A5148
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S580
Sponsors: Thompson (D12)
Summary: Requires Commissioner of Community Affairs to establish building safety inspection program for older buildings.
Related: 2020:S4103
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S637
Sponsors: O’Scanlon (R13)
Summary: Prohibits payment to public employees at retirement for certain unused sick leave, provides for forfeiture of payment for unused sick leave for certain criminal convictions, and requires documentation for use of sick leave.
Related: 2022:A220; 2020:A1756; 2020:S2073; 2018:A844; 2018:S681; 2016:A653; 2016:S3146; 2014:A158; 2012:A2495
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S657
Sponsors: Oroho (R24)
Summary: Prohibits DOT from taking certain action on certain rock fall mitigation projects and requires DOT to conduct analysis on project alternatives.
Related: 2022:A2439; 2020:A4601; 2020:S2863
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S669
Sponsors: Doherty (R23)
Summary: Establishes State Transportation Cost Analysis Task Force.
Related: 2020:S450; 2018:S175; 2016:S1888; 2014:A4356; 2014:S2811
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S754
Sponsors: Lagana (D38); Greenstein (D14)
Summary: Makes $1.3 billion in federal funds available to DEP for use in New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Financing Program for lead service line replacement projects.
Related: 2020:A5917; 2020:S3988; 2020:S4045
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S778
Sponsors: Pou (D35)
Summary: Requires architects disclose insurance coverage.
Related: 2022:A552; 2020:A953; 2020:S4031; 2018:A5706
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Commerce Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S853
Sponsors: Singleton (D7)
Summary: Increases disclosure of political contributions by business entities with public contracts; creates uniform law for contributions by such entities; repeals local option to set contribution limits for business entities.
Related: 2020:S949; 2018:A3462; 2018:S1479; 2016:A3903; 2016:S2431
History: 01/18/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S922
Sponsors: Bramnick (R21); Corrado (R40)
Summary: Authorizes Commissioner of Transportation to allow painting of blue line between double yellow centerline marking on public roads.
Related: 2022:A4611; 2020:A2011; 2018:A1962; 2018:S94; 2016:A4618; 2016:S3094
History: 01/31/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S936
Sponsors: Turner (D15)
Summary: Requires State agencies to submit notice of request for proposals or other documents pertinent to privatization contracts to certain State employees.
Related: 2020:S1355; 2018:S1517; 2016:S1508; 2014:S1876; 2012:S1496; 2010:S1453; 2008:S1637; 2006:S1557; 2004:S744; 2002:S989; 2000:A278; 2000:S898; 1998:A306; 1998:S568; 1996:A570; 1994:A3022
History: 01/31/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S961
Sponsors: Connors (R9)
Summary: Authorizes municipal dredging of lagoon community waterways and levying of special assessment or issuing of bonds to finance such dredging.
Related: 2022:A716; 2020:A783; 2020:S907; 2018:A971; 2018:S1413; 2016:A1178; 2016:S925; 2014:A2159; 2014:S902; 2012:A670; 2012:S1036; 2010:A2444; 2010:S2256; 2008:A2048; 2006:A3171
History: 01/31/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S962
Sponsors: Connors (R9)
Summary: Authorizes municipalities to adopt ordinances requiring maintenance and repair of certain wharves, piers, docks and bulkheads.
Related: 2022:A2445; 2020:A784; 2020:S1382; 2018:A972; 2018:S897; 2016:A3177; 2016:S928; 2016:S3638; 2014:A3855; 2014:S2506; 2012:S1038; 2010:A334; 2010:S865; 2008:A1944; 2008:S1673; 2006:A4093; 2006:S2549
History: 01/31/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S988
Sponsors: Pennacchio (R26)
Summary: Exempts expansion or reconstruction, within 125% of existing footprint, of municipal and county buildings and certain emergency services buildings from “Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act.”
Related: 2022:A2907; 2020:A2975; 2020:S937; 2018:A2203; 2018:S894; 2016:A4222; 2016:S2572
History: 01/31/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S995 ScaSa (2R)
Sponsors: Ruiz (D29); Stack (D33) +2
Summary: Requires entities to remove abandoned lines and certain copper telephone lines and mark information on certain lines.
Related: 2022:A1100; 2020:A6164; 2020:S4299
History: 01/31/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Economic Growth Committee.
06/08/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/20/2023 — Amended on Senate floor, 2nd reading in Senate by voice vote (Ruiz).
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1108
Sponsors: Durr (R3)
Summary: Eliminates automatic adjustments of petroleum products taxes.
Related: 2020:S1445; 2018:S2927
History: 01/31/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1120
Sponsors: Gill (D34)
Summary: “Corporate Disinvestment Property Tax Relief Act”; appropriates $13.5 million.
Related: 2020:S1633; 2018:S1531; 2016:A192; 2016:S912; 2014:A374; 2014:S1947; 2012:A3807; 2012:S2595
History: 01/31/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1173
Sponsors: Smith (D17) +1
Summary: Establishes limits on zoning restrictions for certain electric battery storage equipment installation.
Related: 2022:A3134
History: 01/31/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1219
Sponsors: Connors (R9)
Summary: Clarifies that punitive damages may not be awarded against public entities or public employees acting within the scope of their employment in any action.
Related: 2020:S1566; 2018:S1473; 2016:S905; 2014:S922; 2012:S1537; 2010:S1033; 2008:S1659; 2006:A2271; 2006:S1142; 2004:A939; 2004:S128; 2002:A4008; 2002:S838; 2000:A129; 2000:S931; 2000:S976; 1998:A3383
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1229
Sponsors: Greenstein (D14); Singleton (D7) +1
Summary: Directs DEP to develop State water infrastructure investment plan; requires NJ Infrastructure Bank to publish additional information about water infrastructure projects; appropriates $200,000 to NJ Infrastructure Bank.
Related: 2022:A682; 2020:A5987; 2020:S4011
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
05/16/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1232
Sponsors: Greenstein (D14)
Summary: Directs DEP to develop guidelines concerning State and local government purchase of goods made from recycled material.
Related: 2022:A4135; 2020:A2783; 2020:S1671; 2018:A5897
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1287
Sponsors: Holzapfel (R10)
Summary: Prohibits default approvals of certain municipal land use applications, and permits municipal agencies to not hold certain required meetings, under emergency circumstances.
Related: 2022:A1621; 2020:A4119; 2020:S2439
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S1315
Sponsors: Turner (D15)
Summary: Provides awarding of contracts for professional services by State, county, municipal, and school district through competitive contracting process.
Related: 2022:A2430; 2020:S1299; 2018:S1545; 2016:A2629; 2016:S641; 2014:A2115; 2014:S1586; 2012:A3634; 2012:S1517; 2010:S1311; 2008:S484; 2006:A526; 2006:S754; 2004:A2885; 2004:S2532
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Oppose
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S1319
Sponsors: Turner (D15)
Summary: Requires cost analysis in certain cases when State department contracts out work.
Related: 2022:A2384; 2020:A1902; 2020:S1288; 2018:A4538; 2018:S1518; 2016:S1736; 2014:S1937; 2012:S1488; 2010:A2687; 2010:S1309; 2008:A3031; 2008:S873; 2006:S1345; 2004:S767; 2002:A1334; 2002:S994; 2000:A1298; 2000:S998; 1998:A186; 1998:S569; 1998:S904; 1996:A1614; 1996:S694; 1994:A3175; 1994:S2224
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Amend
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S1320
Sponsors: Turner (D15)
Summary: Requires bidder on State contract to be evaluated on report of its gender-based pay equity and job equality standards for its employees.
Related: 2022:A2429; 2020:S1286; 2018:A1868; 2018:S1522; 2016:A883; 2016:S2101; 2014:A4675
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1338
Sponsors: Beach (D6)
Summary: Incorporates boardwalks into transportation local aid program and provides for Local Aid Infrastructure Fund grants to boardwalk projects.
Related: 2022:A3143; 2020:A4894; 2020:S3397; 2018:S4168
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S1342
Sponsors: Beach (D6)
Summary: Reduces allowed diversion of funds from stormwater, water, and sewer purposes to municipal and county budgets; requires municipalities and counties to notify Division of Local Government Services of diversions.
Related: 2022:A2273; 2020:A5015; 2020:S3288
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S1350 Sca (1R)
Sponsors: Turner (D15); Greenstein (D14) +4
Summary: Establishes procedures and standards regarding public services privatization contracts.
Related: 2022:A5430; 2020:A3538; 2020:S1711; 2018:A3275; 2018:S1743; 2016:A2300; 2016:S798; 2014:A2873; 2014:S770; 2012:A998; 2012:S968; 2010:A3407; 2010:S2323
History: 02/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Labor Committee.
05/08/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S1397
Sponsors: Turner (D15)
Summary: Concerns certain contracts to privatize State services.
Related: 2020:S1375; 2018:S2080; 2016:S1068; 2014:S1967; 2012:S1494; 2010:S839; 2008:S1564; 2006:A2205; 2006:S1267; 2004:A318; 2004:S983; 2002:A706; 2002:S1543; 2002:S2683; 2000:A3243
History: 02/10/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Amend


Bill: S1425
Sponsors: Gill (D34)
Summary: Revises “The Professional Service Corporation Act.”
Related: 2020:S2137; 2018:S1068; 2016:S2386
History: 02/10/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Commerce Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1439 Aa (1R)
Sponsors: Singleton (D7) +3
Summary: Requires employer or contractor engaged in goverment work for a public body to register with and submit payroll records to DOLWD.
Related: 2022:A5085
History: 02/10/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Labor Committee.
12/01/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
03/20/2023 — Passed in Senate 33-3. Received in Assembly w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Assembly.
05/25/2023 — Amended on Assembly floor, 2nd reading in Assembly (Wimberly).
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1440
Sponsors: Singleton (D7)
Summary: Imposes penalties for violations to “Local Public Contracts Law.”
History: 02/10/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1445
Sponsors: Singleton (D7)
Summary: Requires Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy to undertake study to determine efficiency and scaling in delivery of local government services.
Related: 2022:A3094; 2020:A5244; 2020:S244; 2018:S3766
History: 02/10/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1479
Sponsors: Beach (D6)
Summary: Requires State to use certain energy-efficient outdoor lighting fixtures.
Related: 2020:S1263; 2018:A1652; 2018:S2328; 2016:A1958; 2016:S1970; 2014:A3862
History: 02/10/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1650
Sponsors: Turner (D15)
Summary: Requires contracts for professional services be awarded by certain bi-state authorities pursuant to competitive contracting process.
Related: 2020:S1756; 2018:S1846; 2016:S1374; 2014:S1775; 2012:S2489
History: 02/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1679
Sponsors: Pou (D35); Turner (D15)
Summary: Requires DEP to prioritize funding for environmental infrastructure projects for applicants with established program to employ, at project or related facilities, local residents or residents of nearby urban aid qualifying municipalities.
Related: 2022:A1115; 2020:A5018; 2020:S3314
History: 02/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
03/14/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
03/24/2022 — Substituted by A-1115.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1683
Sponsors: Oroho (R24)
Summary: Suspends “Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act” until certain conditions are met.
Related: 2022:A134; 2020:A156; 2020:S425; 2018:A221; 2018:S529; 2016:A1382; 2016:S479; 2014:A105; 2014:S355; 2012:A843; 2012:S912; 2010:A150; 2010:S1005; 2008:A2691; 2008:S1683
History: 02/14/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1730
Sponsors: Zwicker (D16); Cryan (D20)
Summary: Requires professional licensing boards to issue licenses for certain individuals with good standing licenses or certification in other jurisdictions under certain circumstances.
Related: 2022:A3290; 2020:A1207; 2018:A5803
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Commerce Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S1751
Sponsors: Bucco (R25) +1
Summary: Requires COAH to credit municipalities with units against fair share affordable housing obligation for certain types of housing; provides certain types of affordable housing units will be credited as two units.
Related: 2020:S4115; 2018:S271; 2016:A4773; 2016:S3381
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1762
Sponsors: Oroho (R24); O’Scanlon (R13)
Summary: Requires Petroleum Products Gross Receipts Tax rate reduction if certain Legislative action is taken that includes increases in other State tax rates and revenue; dedicates revenues from certain sales and use tax increases to “Transportation Trust Fund Ac
Related: 2020:A2018; 2020:S436; 2018:A4025; 2018:S2623
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1765
Sponsors: Bucco (R25)
Summary: Revises requirements for signage indicating accessible facilities for people with disabilities.
Related: 2022:A2302; 2020:A3227; 2020:S3511; 2018:A2816; 2016:A2900; 2014:A3743
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1784
Sponsors: Bucco (R25)
Summary: Requires electric public utilities to provide training, equipment, indemnity, and reimbursement to certain municipal employees for moving and securing detached, above-ground distribution lines impeding vehicular traffic during lengthy power outages.
Related: 2020:S2948; 2018:S909; 2016:S556; 2014:S2632; 2012:A3739; 2012:S2526
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Economic Growth Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1811
Sponsors: Holzapfel (R10)
Summary: Requires municipalities to reimburse qualified private communities for street paving costs.
Related: 2022:A1602; 2020:A3310; 2020:S136; 2018:A717; 2018:S1253; 2016:A1282; 2016:S1709; 2014:A1212; 2014:S501; 2012:A403; 2012:S1248; 2010:A2638; 2010:S1330
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S1826
Sponsors: Doherty (R23)
Summary: Decreases petroleum products gross receipts tax rate on certain petroleum products.
Related: 2020:S1401; 2018:S1438; 2016:A4383; 2016:S2717
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1846
Sponsors: Vitale (D19)
Summary: Allows county or municipal governing body to enter into revenue sharing agreement for alcoholic beverage sales by concessionaire permit holder.
Related: 2022:A3539; 2020:A5231; 2020:S3382; 2020:S3806
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1851
Sponsors: Vitale (D19)
Summary: Defines “mobile home park” as “multiple dwelling” for inspection purposes.
Related: 2022:A3542; 2020:A3876; 2020:S2106; 2018:A3655; 2018:S947; 2016:A2747; 2016:S1253; 2014:A792; 2014:S1199; 2012:A1266; 2012:S838; 2010:A3181; 2010:S852; 2008:A984; 2008:S609; 2006:A239; 2006:S819; 2004:A380; 2004:S1313; 2002:A2078; 2000:A3895; 2000:S994; 1998:S479; 1996:S510; 1994:S1680
History: 02/28/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1894
Sponsors: Beach (D6)
Summary: Increases flexibility, clarity, and available tools of certain municipal consolidation processes.
Related: 2022:A3838; 2020:S1577; 2018:A1806; 2018:S614; 2016:A2921; 2016:S690; 2014:A1739; 2014:S316; 2012:A4099; 2012:S2679
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1899
Sponsors: Pennacchio (R26)
Summary: Increases income eligibility limit for reduction or abatement of municipal or county utility authority fees.
Related: 2020:S285; 2018:S887; 2016:S967; 2014:S1390; 2012:S1359; 2010:A2281; 2010:S717; 2008:A1468; 2008:S2275
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S1909
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Expands indoor capacity for food or beverage establishments and banquet and wedding venues under certain circumstances during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
Related: 2022:A1310; 2020:A5133; 2020:S3374
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1911
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Concerns restaurant tents during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
Related: 2020:A5139; 2020:S3337
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Commerce Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S1941
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Provides State information technology contracts will require use of software to document computer use by contractor.
Related: 2022:A931; 2020:A702; 2020:S1965; 2018:A3989; 2018:S2960
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S1944
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Provides bidder is ineligible to receive new State contract award if current contract is in dispute by State.
Related: 2020:S2668; 2018:S4267
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2043
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Requires DOT to compensate local government entities for contractual delay damages resulting from shutdown of transportation projects funded by Transportation Trust Fund; authorizes local government entities to use certain funds for transportation project
Related: 2022:A1573; 2020:A3791; 2020:S1909; 2018:S1276; 2016:A4114; 2016:S2776
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2069
Sponsors: Turner (D15)
Summary: Requires certain public contracts for insurance coverage and consulting services to be awarded through competitive contracting process.
Related: 2020:S1329; 2018:S1234; 2016:A3486; 2016:S648; 2014:A277; 2014:S1600; 2012:A4164; 2012:S2059
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2101
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Concerning the “Contractor’s Registration Act.”
Related: 2022:A1551; 2020:A5640; 2020:S1544; 2018:A2904; 2018:S1326; 2016:A1506; 2016:S2533; 2014:A1776; 2012:A2846; 2010:A4100; 2008:A2197; 2006:A3048; 2004:A4477
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Commerce Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2103 Sca (1R)
Sponsors: Singleton (D7)
Summary: Authorizes conversion of certain office parks and retail centers to mixed-use developments.
Related: 2022:A1294; 2020:A1278; 2018:A1309; 2016:A5229
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
05/09/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2113
Sponsors: Bucco (R25)
Summary: Permits members of Community Emergency Response Teams to perform traffic duties under certain circumstances.
Related: 2022:A2916; 2020:A2913; 2020:S3861; 2018:A5874
History: 03/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2168
Sponsors: Turner (D15)
Summary: Authorizes municipal assessment of development impact fees following State guidelines and makes an appropriation.
Related: 2020:A5145; 2020:S1324; 2018:S1354; 2016:S3547
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2169
Sponsors: Turner (D15); Stack (D33)
Summary: Enhances transparency in exercise of municipal redevelopment powers.
Related: 2022:A3861; 2020:S1313; 2018:S1233; 2016:S1085; 2014:S1969; 2012:S1576; 2010:S1656; 2008:S1469; 2006:S760; 2004:S2925
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2192
Sponsors: Polistina (R2); Beach (D6) +1
Summary: Establishes “County Tourism Incentive Grant Fund” within Department of Treasury to provide funding for grants to counties to support tourism advertising and promotion.
Related: 2022:A5155; 2020:S488; 2018:S191; 2016:A1095; 2016:S201; 2014:A2776; 2014:S2202
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
12/19/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2207
Sponsors: Doherty (R23)
Summary: “Electronic Publication of Legal Notices Act”; permits publication of legal notices by government agencies and persons on official government notice websites instead of newspapers.
Related: 2020:S451; 2018:S1439; 2016:A4429; 2016:S2855
History: 03/07/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2326
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Requires employers within construction industry to notify employees of certain rights.
Related: 2022:A1054; 2020:A1237; 2020:S1188; 2018:A2379; 2018:S345; 2016:A4353; 2016:S2901
History: 03/21/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Labor Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2339
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Expands municipal authority to license and inspect residential rental property.
Related: 2022:A1089; 2020:A1688; 2020:S1638; 2018:A1513; 2018:S1091; 2016:A2644; 2016:S732; 2014:A4764; 2014:S3277
History: 03/21/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2344
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Eliminates five percent down payment requirement for bond ordinances approved by counties and municipalities.
Related: 2022:A4816; 2020:A3517; 2020:S1472; 2018:S2512; 2016:A1640; 2016:S2334; 2014:A1065; 2012:A2447; 2012:S616; 2010:S2209
History: 03/21/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2364 ScaAa (2R)
Sponsors: Sarlo (D36); Johnson (D37); Freiman (D16); Mosquera (D4); Tully (D38) +14
Summary: Concerns use of tents and other fixtures for outdoor dining on certain property.
Related: 2022:A3708
History: 03/21/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/16/2022 — Passed in Senate 38-0. Received in Assembly w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/29/2022 — Amended on Assembly floor, 2nd reading in Assembly (Freiman). Substituted for A-3708 (2R). Passed in Assembly 78-0-0. Received in Senate, 2nd reading in Senate to concur with Assembly amendments. Passed in Senate and sent to Governor 40-0.
08/03/2022 — Signed by the Governor P.L.2022, c.85.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2372
Sponsors: Sarlo (D36)
Summary: Authorizes alternative procedure for sale of municipal sewerage systems to public utilities.
Related: 2020:A1710; 2020:S2207; 2018:A5391; 2018:S3870
History: 03/24/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Economic Growth Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2407
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Establishes certification program for zoning officers and land use board administrators.
Related: 2020:A678; 2020:S1504; 2018:A4725; 2018:S3601
History: 03/24/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Support


Bill: S2457
Sponsors: Greenstein (D14); Singleton (D7) +1
Summary: Requires DCA to establish procedures for inspection and abatement of mold hazards in residential buildings and school facilities, and certification programs for mold inspectors and mold hazard abatement workers.
Related: 2022:A3274; 2020:A1336; 2020:S574; 2018:A1433; 2018:S2897; 2016:A381; 2016:S251; 2014:A1007; 2014:S2142; 2012:A1588; 2012:S2081; 2010:A3773; 2010:S2633
History: 05/09/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2491
Sponsors: Bucco (R25)
Summary: Requires DOT to provide additional information in annual report on pavement condition and conduct pavement lifecycle cost analysis; make report available to public.
Related: 2022:A205; 2020:A1524; 2018:A5328
History: 05/12/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2505
Sponsors: Smith (D17); Greenstein (D14)
Summary: Requires installation of operational automatic rain sensor on lawn sprinklers as condition of sale and on lawn sprinklers on commercial, retail, or industrial property and in common interest communities within specified timeframes.
Related: 2022:A1755; 2020:A3385; 2018:A2914; 2016:A1484; 2014:A1754; 2012:A1972; 2010:A2123; 2010:A2124; 2010:A2236; 2010:S447; 2010:S448; 2008:A1625; 2008:S704; 2008:S705; 2006:A3591; 2006:A3593; 2006:S2156; 2006:S2157
History: 05/12/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2554
Sponsors: Gill (D34)
Summary: Suspends taxation of highway fuels for one year; makes appropriation.
History: 05/12/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2596
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Applies certain public contract bid threshold amounts to pay to play and prevailing wage laws.
Related: 2022:A1229; 2022:S2597; 2020:A2045; 2020:S1480; 2018:A3420; 2018:S1102; 2016:A1118; 2016:S728; 2014:A4565; 2014:S3138
History: 05/12/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2597
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5); Gill (D34)
Summary: Applies local public contract bid threshold amounts to local pay to play and prevailing wage laws.
Related: 2022:A1229; 2022:S2596; 2020:A2045; 2020:S1480; 2018:A3420; 2018:S1102; 2016:A1118; 2016:S728; 2014:A4565; 2014:S3138
History: 05/12/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2607
Sponsors: Smith (D17); Stanfield (R8)
Summary: Exempts solar energy systems from building fees.
Related: 2022:A1266; 2020:A3578; 2018:A4002; 2018:S607; 2016:S3472
History: 05/12/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2620
Sponsors: Sarlo (D36)
Summary: Adjusts certain public contract bid thresholds.
Related: 2022:A4262
History: 05/12/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2639
Sponsors: Connors (R9)
Summary: Allows municipalities to administer responsibilities of Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act under certain conditions.
History: 05/16/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2693
Sponsors: Greenstein (D14)
Summary: Requires certain public officials to complete course of study developed by Commissioner of Community Affairs on operation of public water and wastewater systems.
Related: 2022:A4236; 2020:S648; 2018:A3500; 2018:S1952
History: 05/19/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2695 Scs (SCS)
Sponsors: Greenstein (D14); Cunningham (D31) +2
Summary: Requires disclosure of lead drinking water hazards to tenants of residential units; prohibits landlords from obstructing replacement of lead service lines; concerns testing of residential rental units for lead drinking water hazards.
Related: 2022:A3712
History: 05/19/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
03/02/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee substitute, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2760 ScaSca (2R)
Sponsors: Singleton (D7); Greenstein (D14)
Summary: Concerns structural integrity regulations for certain residential buildings.
Related: 2022:A4384
History: 06/02/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
09/29/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
06/12/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2866 ScaScaScsScaAca (SCS/2R)
Sponsors: Scutari (D22); Greenwald (D6); Murphy (D7)
Summary: Establishes “Elections Transparency Act;” requires reporting of campaign contributions in excess of $200; increases contribution limits; concerns independent expenditure committees, certain business entity contributions, and certain local provisions; requ
Related: 2022:A4372
History: 06/16/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
06/23/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/27/2022 — Recommitted to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
02/16/2023 — Recommitted to Senate Judiciary Committee.
02/23/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee substitute, 2nd reading in Senate.
03/16/2023 — Recommitted to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
03/20/2023 — Passed in Senate 24-12. Received in Assembly and referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
03/23/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
03/30/2023 — Substituted for A-4372 (ACS/1R). Motion to table bill (Bergen). Motion To Table Motion 42-31-0 (Greenwald). Passed in Assembly 45-31-0. Received in Senate, 2nd reading in Senate to concur with Assembly amendments. Passed in Senate and sent to Governor 21-12.
04/03/2023 — Signed by the Governor P.L.2023, c.30.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S2885 Sa (1R)
Sponsors: Diegnan (D18); Gill (D34)
Summary: Establishes “New Jersey Target Zero Commission.”
Related: 2022:A4296
History: 06/20/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
09/29/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/26/2023 — Amended on Senate floor, 2nd reading in Senate by voice vote (Ruiz).
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2909 Aa (1R)
Sponsors: Diegnan (D18); Benson (D14); Pintor Marin (D29); McKnight (D31) +3
Summary: Authorizes DOT to compensate certain contractors and subcontractors affected by supply chain shortages; appropriates $10 million.
Related: 2022:A4374
History: 06/20/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
06/23/2022 — Transferred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
06/27/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/29/2022 — Passed in Senate 39-0. Received in Assembly w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Assembly. Amended on Assembly floor, 2nd reading in Assembly (Benson). Substituted for A-4374 (ACS). Passed in Assembly 75-1-2. Received in Senate, 2nd reading in Senate to concur with Assembly amendments. Passed in Senate and sent to Governor 40-0.
06/30/2022 — Signed by the Governor P.L.2022, c.37.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2935
Sponsors: Greenstein (D14)
Summary: Requires certain local authorities to inspect, maintain, and repair fire hydrants in planned real estate developments.
Related: 2022:A3959; 2020:A3618; 2020:S494; 2018:A1745; 2018:S2774; 2016:A4123; 2016:S2522
History: 06/27/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2943
Sponsors: Diegnan (D18)
Summary: Concerns New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority; increases Transportation Trust Fund spending limit by $600 million.
Related: 2022:A4405
History: 06/27/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee. Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/29/2022 — Substituted by A-4405.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S2957
Sponsors: Singer (R30); Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Allows planning and zoning board members to satisfy training requirements on Internet.
Related: 2022:A428; 2020:A387; 2018:A1164; 2016:A2725; 2014:A1529; 2012:A1360; 2010:A2639; 2010:S227; 2008:S1841
History: 08/08/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
01/12/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S3014 Scs (SCS)
Sponsors: Scutari (D22); Diegnan (D18) +2
Summary: Provides for expedited construction inspections.
Related: 2022:A573; 2020:A4850; 2020:S3095
History: 09/22/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
12/01/2022 — Reported out of committee with committee substitute, 2nd reading in Senate.
12/19/2022 — Substituted by A-573 (ACS/1R).
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S3124
Sponsors: Diegnan (D18); Benson (D14); Spearman (D5); Wimberly (D35)
Summary: Changes definition of eligible contract for DOT grant program to compensate certain contractors and subcontractors affected by supply chain shortages.
Related: 2022:A4792
History: 10/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
10/27/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
12/05/2022 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
12/19/2022 — Passed in Senate 36-0.
01/10/2023 — Received in Assembly w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Assembly.
01/26/2023 — Substituted for A-4792. Passed in Assembly and sent to Governor 76-0-2.
03/13/2023 — Signed by the Governor P.L.2023, c.23.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S3138
Sponsors: Zwicker (D16)
Summary: Requires outdoor lighting fixtures installed or replaced by, or on behalf of State, or at projects receiving State funds, to meet certain criteria.
Related: 2022:A3080; 2020:A2633; 2018:A5245
History: 10/03/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S3255 ScaSa (2R)
Sponsors: Diegnan (D18); Oroho (R24) +4
Summary: Concerns percentage of reclaimed asphalt pavement and recycled materials that can be used for certain road projects.
Related: 2022:A4797
History: 10/31/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
06/08/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/26/2023 — Amended on Senate floor, 2nd reading in Senate by voice vote (Ruiz).
06/30/2023 — Substituted by A-4797 (2R).
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S3359 Sca (1R)
Sponsors: Zwicker (D16)
Summary: Requires DCA to track natural disaster-related spending by State and local government.
Related: 2022:A4865; 2020:A1186; 2018:A4536; 2018:S2950
History: 12/01/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
02/09/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S3468 Sca (1R)
Sponsors: Thompson (D12); Singleton (D7)
Summary: Concerns regulatory guidance for local approving authorities on approval of warehouse development.
Related: 2022:A5028
History: 01/12/2023 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
03/02/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S3551
Sponsors: Lagana (D38); Bucco (R25) +1
Summary: Requires “Electronic Permit Processing Review System” in DCA to enable applicant to submit electronic signature and certain other submission materials for permit application review.
Related: 2022:A5036
History: 02/02/2023 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
03/02/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S3605
Sponsors: Sarlo (D36); Singleton (D7) +1
Summary: Reduces parking spaces required in Statewide site improvement standards at residential developments relative to development’s proximity to public transportation.
Related: 2022:A4984
History: 02/16/2023 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
05/08/2023 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate.
05/22/2023 — Passed in Senate 21-12.
05/18/2023 — Received in Assembly and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S3612
Sponsors: Sarlo (D36)
Summary: Adjusts bid threshold amounts on certain public contracts.
History: 02/16/2023 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S3664
Sponsors: Singleton (D7)
Summary: Establishes additional municipal review processes and procedures related to development of certain large warehouses; requires certain real property revaluations and reassessments.
Related: 2022:A5337
History: 02/28/2023 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S3873 Sca (1R)
Sponsors: Zwicker (D16); Johnson (D37); Benson (D14); Pintor Marin (D29) +3
Summary: Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend certain sums to make loans for transportation infrastructure projects for FY2024; makes appropriation.
Related: 2022:A5507
History: 05/22/2023 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
06/01/2023 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/26/2023 — Passed in Senate 36-0.
06/27/2023 — Received in Assembly w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Assembly.
06/30/2023 — Substituted for A-5507 (1R). Passed in Assembly and sent to Governor 76-0-1.
07/20/2023 — Signed by the Governor P.L.2023, c.122.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S3908
Sponsors: Smith (D17)
Summary: Concerns contracting powers of certain local entities related to redevelopment.
Related: 2022:A5099
History: 06/01/2023 — Introduced and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S3932
Sponsors: Stack (D33)
Summary: Requires municipal clerk to post municipal documents online.
Related: 2022:A5627
History: 06/05/2023 — Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S3976 Sca (1R)
Sponsors: Greenstein (D14); Cruz-Perez (D5); Benson (D14); Moen (D5); Wimberly (D35) +6
Summary: Establishes Mobility and Transportation Innovation Program in DOT; appropriates $2 million.
Related: 2022:A4934
History: 06/15/2023 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
06/27/2023 — Transferred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee. Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate.
06/30/2023 — Passed in Senate 37-0. Received in Assembly w/o committee reference, 2nd reading in Assembly. Substituted for A-4934 (2R). Passed in Assembly and sent to Governor 61-10-1.
Position: Monitor
Priority: FLAG


Bill: S4046
Sponsors: Lagana (D38)
Summary: Establishes “Enhanced Crossing and Crosswalk Pilot Program” in Bergen County.
Related: 2022:A1917; 2020:A2096; 2018:A5621
History: 06/27/2023 — Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
Position: Monitor


Bill: S4058
Sponsors: Lagana (D38)
Summary: Requires Division of Highway Traffic Safety to conduct public awareness campaign regarding bicyclist and pedestrian safety.
Related: 2022:A1942; 2020:A2110; 2018:A6069
History: 06/30/2023 —  Proposed for introduction.
Position: Monitor


Bill: SCR23
Sponsors: Oroho (R24)
Summary: Proposes constitutional amendment to establish a 2 percent cap on annual appropriations increases for certain State government spending.
Related: 2020:ACR24; 2020:SCR22; 2018:ACR193; 2018:SCR117; 2016:SCR31; 2014:ACR71; 2014:SCR27; 2012:ACR135; 2012:SCR21; 2010:ACR130; 2010:ACR139; 2010:SCR103; 2010:SCR124
History: 01/11/2022 — Introduced and referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
Position: Monitor